Job Archives

Pour notre bureau situé à l’aéroport fret cargo de Genève, Ferrari Expéditions SA recherche un(e) Transitaire Export / Import.

Entrée en service: immédiatement

En intégrant notre équipe, vous aurez notamment la charge des activités suivantes :
_ Traitement des demandes pour nos clients en fret aérien export, import, triangulaire
_ Réservation du fret auprès des compagnies aériennes
_ Cotation clients
_ Edition des documents de transport (LTA, CMR, autre)
_ Déclaration de douane à l’export, import et transit
_ Suivi des expéditions et communication avec nos clients
_ Coordination des expéditions avec les interlocuteurs internes, les transporteurs et nos agents
_ Gestion des litiges et des réclamations de notre clientèle
_ Taxation des envois

Votre profil :
_ CFC de transitaire ou formation jugée équivalente
_ Vous bénéficiez d’une expérience confirmée de minimum 3 ans dans le domaine du transport
_ Bonnes connaissances du trafic export aérien et, plus généralement, des transports internationaux, des Incoterms (R)
_ Langue maternelle française, bonnes connaissances orales et écrites en anglais (italien, un atout)
_ Excellentes connaissances des outils informatiques (MS Office, AS400, etc…)
_ Bonne présentation, bonne communication
_ Esprit d’équipe, cohésion

Environnement de travail :
_ Challenges, performance, qualité, innovation sont nos maîtres-mots
_ Travail en équipe au sein d’une équipe responsable et engagée, spécialisée en logistique
_ Poste de travail basé à l’Aéroport Fret Cargo

Informations supplémentaires :
_ Entrée en fonction dès que possible
_ Contrat en CDI à 100%
_ Votre dossier de candidature doit comporter une lettre démontrant votre motivation, votre curriculum vitae, les copies des diplômes et attestations requis pour le poste et les 2 derniers certificats de travail
_ Cette annonce s'adresse indistinctement aux femmes et aux hommes.

Vous êtes vif(ve) d’esprit et doté(e) d’un sens prononcé de l’initiative. Vous êtes reconnu(e) pour votre savoir-faire dans la résolution des problèmes et savez gérer les priorités même en période de stress.
Nous offrons un poste de travail motivant dans une excellente ambiance de travail au sein d’un bureau à taille humaine dans un environnement dynamique au sein d’un groupe en pleine expansion.

Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.
Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs.
If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.
Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

Pour notre bureau situé à l’aéroport fret cargo de Genève, Ferrari Expéditions SA recherche un(e) Transitaire Export / Import.

Per la nostra sede di MALPENSA (SOMMA LOMBARDO, VA),  stiamo selezionando una figura di:


La posizione include i seguenti compiti:

_ Gestione, con autonomia crescente, delle dichiarazioni bolle Export, Transiti T1/T2, bolle Import, redazione richieste DG1 Cites, trasmissione bolle doganali export e compilazione Carnet ATA

_ Contatto con reparti interni operativi

_ Contatto con uffici doganali Malpensa

_ Inserimento dati merce ed emissione documenti di spedizione

Caratteristiche ricercate:

Conoscenza lingue: buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (idealmente livello B2), gradita una seconda lingua

Esperienze lavorative: gradita precedente (anche breve) esperienza in ambito spedizioni, indispensabile l’interesse per il settore e le relative tecnicità.

Titolo di studio: Diploma

Conoscenze informatiche: gradita esperienza pregressa su sistemi AS400 e conoscenza MS Office (Excel, Word)

Siamo alla ricerca di una persona dinamica, disponibile a flessibilità oraria e a eventuali trasferte in Italia e all’estero, con ottima attitudine all’apprendimento e in grado di gestire efficacemente scadenze ravvicinate. L’ambiente di lavoro è stimolante e vivace.

Orario di lavoro: full time dal lunedì al venerdì

La selezione è rivolta a candidati dell’uno e dell’altro sesso ai sensi del D. Lgs. 198/2006. Tutte le candidature devono essere accompagnate dalla autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali e saranno gestite ai sensi del D.Lgs 196/03.


Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods. 

Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs.

If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.

Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time. 

Per la nostra sede di MALPENSA (SOMMA L.DO, VA),  stiamo selezionando una figura di: JUNIOR DICHIARANTE DOGANALE

Per la nostra filiale di ROMA TIBURTINA siamo alla ricerca di una figura di INSIDE SALES


  • eccellenti capacità di comunicazione
  • doti di vendita e gestione degli aspetti ad essa relativi.
  • accuratezza e metodicità nello svolgimento della propria mansione e nella gestione dei dati di archivio
  • attitudine alla risoluzione dei problemi e spirito di collaborazione con colleghi o altri reparti
  • comprovate doti di attento ascoltatore e saper porre le domande.


  • la figura di Inside Sales dovrà essere in grado di effettuare chiamate ai clienti per consigliare servizi o soluzioni di loro interesse
  • fungere da punto di contatto per i clienti in propria gestione raccogliendo tutte le informazioni su esigenze e richieste aggiornando il database
  • avviare e portare a compimento l’attività di vendita attraverso la sottoscrizione di accordi contrattuali pertinenti ai servizi della nostra azienda
  • saper illustrare e descrivere le caratteristiche dei servizi ai clienti
  • approfondire le sales lead ricevute coinvolgendo il Sales Manager dell’area per concordare le strategie commerciali.
  • effettuare l'upselling e il cross-selling di altri servizi che potrebbero essere utilizzati dai clienti
  • comprendere le esigenze dei clienti e adattare il servizio alle loro esigenze.
  • dimostrare di essere paziente e di saper mantenere un tono telefonico educato ed attento all’esigenze del proprio cliente.
  • tenere aggiornate tutte le informazioni inerenti al cliente come il cambio di dati anagrafici o la situazione di esposizione finanziaria
  • saper gestire in autonomia l’attività di follow-up telefonica o tramite e-mail dove richiesto
  • saper rispettare e raggiungere le quote di vendita e gli obiettivi assegnati.

Requisiti essenziali:

  • Diploma di scuola superiore o laurea in materie attinenti
  • Esperienza pregressa di almeno 2 anni all'interno di un ruolo di Inside Sales
  • Capacità di comunicare con i clienti e gli altri membri dello staff
  • Forti capacità di problem-solving
  • Conoscenza dei software di vendita e dei sistemi CRM e delle loro funzioni
  • Natura resiliente e positiva
  • In grado di lavorare come parte di una squadra e di raggiungere obiettivi e traguardi del team
  • Forti capacità di comunicazione, sia scritta che verbale
  • Buone capacità interpersonali
  • Buone capacità di ascolto, con alti livelli di attenzione ai dettagli
  • Capacità di multitasking
  • Abilità di pensiero creativo
  • Doti di pazienza e capacità di coinvolgere i clienti nella conversazione
  • Capacità di gestire il rifiuto, le obiezioni/conflitto e lo stress conseguente.

La selezione è rivolta a candidati dell’uno e dell’altro sesso ai sensi del D. Lgs. 198/2006.

Tutte le candidature devono essere accompagnate dalla autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali e saranno gestite ai sensi del D.Lgs 196/03.

Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.
Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs.
If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.
Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

Per la nostra sede di ROMA TIBURTINA,  stiamo selezionando una figura di INSIDE SALES

Posted 2 months ago

Per la nostra sede di Alessandria, stiamo attualmente reclutando una figura di

La risorsa avrà la responsabilità di supportare il Facility & EHS Manager ed il Team Servizi Generali in tutte le attività correlate al SOURCING & FACILITY aziendale.

Le principali responsabilità della figura di SOURCING SPECIALIST includono:

o Emissione e gestione degli ordini, contatto dei fornitori per l’erogazione del servizio o la consegna del prodotto;
o Scouting e identificazione dei Fornitori, effettuare ricerche di mercato per identificare potenziali fornitori, valutare i fornitori sulla base di criteri come qualità, prezzo, affidabilità e capacità di consegna.
o Analisi delle offerte, richiedere e analizzare preventivi e offerte da parte dei fornitori, confrontare le offerte per selezionare quelle più vantaggiose in termini di costo e qualità.
o Gestione della documentazione relativa alla facility tramite apposito software (a titolo esemplificativo: contratti di manutenzione degli impianti, etc.); Mantenere aggiornati i database dei fornitori.
o Supporto alla Negoziazione, assistere i manager senior nella negoziazione dei contratti con i fornitori, preparare la documentazione necessaria per la formalizzazione degli accordi.
o Controllo delle fatture e delle corrette assegnazioni dei centri di costo;
o Controllo e coordinamento delle attività manutentive ordinarie che interessano le sedi (a titolo esemplificativo: verifica manutenzione impianti di condizionamento, idraulico e antincendio etc.);
o Supporto ai responsabili preposti su tematiche relative alla Sicurezza & Salute sui luoghi di lavoro.
o Supporto nell’attività di riqualifica di immobili o porzioni di infrastrutture del gruppo
o Supporto nell’attività di reporting ESG

Requisiti minimi (personali e professionali)
o Conoscenze di base di Procurement: Comprendere i processi di approvvigionamento e gestione dei fornitori.
o Laurea (triennale o specialistica) ad indirizzo tecnico (preferibilmente Ing. Gestionale)
o Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office (in particolare di Excel) e pacchetto Google;
o Buon livello di inglese scritto e parlato.
o Disponibilità a trasferte sul territorio nazionale

Completano il profilo
o Capacità di adattarsi ad un ambiente dinamico;
o Buone doti comunicative, di trasparenza, interpersonali e analitiche;
o Capacità di comunicare chiaramente concetti complessi;
o Focalizzato e orientato al risultato
o Capacità analitiche: Essere in grado di analizzare dati e confrontare le offerte.
o Abilità comunicative: Buone capacità di comunicazione scritta e orale per interagire con fornitori e colleghi.

Sarà considerato un PLUS la conoscenza dei seguenti schemi di certificazione:
o ISO 9001:2015 – Sistemi di gestione della qualità
o ISO 14001:2015 – Sistemi di gestione ambientale
o ISO 45001:2015 – Sistemi di gestione della sicurezza sul lavoro

La selezione è rivolta a candidati dell’uno e dell’altro sesso ai sensi del D. Lgs. 198/2006.

Tutte le candidature devono essere accompagnate dalla autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali e saranno gestite ai sensi del D.Lgs 196/03.


Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods. 

Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs.

If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.

Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time. 

Per la nostra sede di ALESSANDRIA,  stiamo selezionando una figura di SOURCING SPECIALIST

For our branch in Rozenburg, Netherlands, we are hiring a PROCESS SPECIALIST At Ferrari Group, we’re constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires. On our team, you’ll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: As a process specialist you’ll report to the Site Leader and continuously look for improvements on Service, Productivity, Quality, Automation and Cost. Next to identifying the opportunities, implementing the improvements is key, involving and engaging operators and leaders. A day in the life of:  
  • Identifying opportunities in the supply chain processes for improvement on service, quality and cost with specializing on warehouse processes / Import export / brokering /IB/OB;
  • Drawing up a business case about ideas for improvement, with which you convince stakeholders to set up the processes differently;
  • Collecting data and setting up improvement processes/Action plan after data analysis;
  • Preparing, improving and implementing new and existing processes while motivating the team to work with you;
  • Prepare reporting tools/templates for KPI (Key performance indicators) towards internal stakeholders as well as customers
  • Standardization of processes across different teams and areas and training of site employees
  • Overseeing SOP (Standard operating procedures) follow up on the floor and conducting internal audits of the processes
  • Being responsible for reports on processes and/or projects;
  • Coaching peers who have become enthusiastic about process improvement and helping them in independently tackling (small-scale) process improvements.
REQUIRED SKILLS, EXPERIENCES AND KNOWLEDGE: For this role we are looking for a candidate with a positive and enthusiastic mindset, passion for logistics and string motivation. He/she is a flexible problem-solver and fast learner with a strong hands-on mentality.
  • Bachelor or Master`s degree from a technical university;
  • 2+ years of experience in a logistics operations environment and relevant role;
  • Proficient level of English
  • intermediate in Italian is a plus
  • Conceptual and analytical thinker with a passion for continuous improvement;
  • Experience with LEAN, Six Sigma and time and method analysis;
  • Hands-on mentality, eager to take initiative on new opportunities and deliver targets;
  • Project management skills;
  • Data analysis skills;
  • knowledge of WMS systems;
 If this role matches your profile, we will be glad to receive your CV including your motivation letter through the form below. AT FERRARI GROUP, WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Ferrari Group is the one-stop service provider specialising in shipping, integrated logistics and high value-added services for jewellery and precious goods, worldwide. Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application. Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time. 

For our branch in Rozenburg (Amsterdam)  we are currently recruiting a PROCESS SPECIALIST

Posted 3 months ago

Per la nostra sede di Alessandria siamo alla ricerca di una figura di


La persona sarà inserita nella struttura informatica del gruppo e riporterà direttamente al responsabile Networking, Workplaces & Security.

Principali Responsabilità

  • preparazione, configurazione, installazione e manutenzione delle dotazioni IT dei dipendenti (computer, mobile Android, Iphone, Ipad) e delle dotazioni IT aziendali (stampanti e sistemi di videoconferenza)
  • supporto utenti ed help desk di  1° e 2° livello (presa in carico e risoluzione di ticket che riguardano  workplace di cui sopra)
  • gestione in loco di interventi di manutenzione su apparecchi telefonici, desktop, stampanti etc.
  • gestione e protezione delle dotazioni legate ai workplace, nel rispetto delle policies aziendali
  • controllo della sicurezza dei sistemi client
  • creazione/amministrazione utenze e profili utente Google e di Active Directory  
  • installazione e manutenzione dei programmi applicativi dell'azienda (Client IBM AS400 - Client SAP)


  • buona conoscenza dei sistemi operativi Windows, Linux (comandi base)
  • digital mindset, conoscenza Active Directory, Google Workspace e pacchetto MS Office
  • conoscenza finalizzata all’utilizzo di Jira come sistema di ticket management
  • conoscenza di altri sistemi di ticket management
  • familiarità device Android e iOS
  • buone capacità di problem solving e predisposizione al lavoro di squadra
  • buona conoscenza della lingua inglese


Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.  Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.

Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

Per la nostra sede di Alessandria siamo alla ricerca di una figura di IT SUPPORT

Posted 4 months ago

We are looking for an ESG Analyst or Specialist who will report to the ESG Manager  to develop environmental reports and support international projects related to Sustainability services within the Group. The resource will support the ESG team in providing latest information on competition, market trends, size and future growth and will craft latest strategies to boost the business at global and regional level.

Education and Experience
Master's degree in STEM subjects or Management and Economics with a specific focus on sustainability is a plus, although other academic backgrounds with a strong interest in ESG matters will also be considered.

  • Experience in the ESG Reporting field, preferably in consultancy contexts or corporate ESG department is considered a plus.
  • Strong background and enthusiasm for ESG topics.
  • Knowledge of ISO standards and ability to develop ISO compliance plans is considered a plus
  • Knowledge of the main ESG reporting criteria is preferable (e.g., CSRD, ESRS, SEC, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 etc.).
  • Familiarity with benchmarks (such as CDP, CHRB, TFP, FTI, ESG rating, etc.)

Specific Skills & Knowledge

  • Purpose-driven, enthusiastic, goal oriented, motivated, self-starter, team player
  • Very good analytical skills with proven record of mastering MS Office Application (especially Excel and PowerPoint)
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills and ability to tailor communication for different audiences
  • Fluent in English and Italian. Third language is a plus.

Further Information

The candidate is responsible for delivering key projects in the areas of ESG.

In particular, he/she/they supports the Sustainability Department in developing on-demand tailored reports and identifying new key business opportunities, performing market analysis and reports, defining and executing plans, supporting the annual sustainability reporting process and in ESG disclosures activities along with other business development initiatives on ESG topics.

Operate as an analyst role, in relation to the projects assigned related to Sustainability, in alignment with the ESg team. He/She/They will be support in the coordination of international projects around:

- Define and improve the management processes in close alignment with the Group’s ESG team as well as at a regional level.
- Support projects execution among the group;
- Maintain project communication and be able to translate relevant information for management decisions;
- Monitor risks and performances;


Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.  Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.

Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

We are looking for an ESG Analyst or Specialist who will report to the ESG Manager  to develop environmental reports and support international projects related to Sustainability services within the G...

For our branch in Rozenburg, Netherlands, we are hiring an

At Ferrari, we’re constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires. On our team, you’ll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.

As a import/export Manager, you’ll lead, mentor and manage a team of supervisors and shipping team.
You’ll report to the Site’s Leadership. The roles requires sensible interaction with Ferrari’s existing and new clients, work to improve processes, and set performance targets.

A day in the life of:
• Coordinate import/export shipment activities, including customs clearance and documentation.
• Monitor and analyze import/export data to identify compliance issues and take corrective actions.
• Maintain and update the import/export compliance database/logs/systems.
• Log, investigate and resolve customer queries in a timely manner.
• Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to imports and exports.
• Liaise with airlines in a professional manner in order to meet operational requirements and to maintain up-to-date schedule information and shipment status reports.
• Day to day operations to include dealing with customers/customs clearance/ airlines & other reports and administration duties.
• Ensure all quality controls procedures are updated and adhered to.
• Prepare and submit required reports to internal and external stakeholders.

• Must have minimum of 7+ years relevant air freight experience within a freight forwarding company ideally within an export/import desk and preferably 4 years in people management
• Possess a positive customer focus
• Good organizational skills with the ability to work under pressure
• Excellent time keeping skills and priority management skills
• Knowledge of customs procedures, AS400/Customs matters is a bonus
• Must be flexible and have the ability to work on his/her own initiative
• Strong problem-solving techniques and statistical analysis skills
• English fluency and preferably Italian communications skills is advantageous
We are looking for a dynamic person, available for time flexibility and possible work-related travel, with excellent attitude towards for learning and able to effectively manage tight deadlines.

Ferrari Group is the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.

Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs.

If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.
Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

For our branch in Rozenburg, Netherlands, we are hiring anIMPORT/EXPORT MANAGER At Ferrari, we’re constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our...

For our branch in Rozenburg, Netherlands, we are hiring a

At Ferrari, we’re constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires. On our team, you’ll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.

As a warehouse Manager, you’ll lead, mentor and manage a team of supervisors and warehouse personnel. You’ll work in a fast-paced and supportive warehouse environment.
You’ll report to the Site’s Leadership. The roles requires sensible interaction with Ferrari’s existing and new clients, manage flexible shift timetables, work to improve processes, and set performance targets.
You will oversee several important areas that are critical to keeping our operations running smoothly. We’ll count on your skills and years of experience to be a champion of our values, ensuring an engaged workforce, loyal customers, efficient operations and a bright future for yourself and Ferrari.

A day in the life of:
• Demonstrate ownership, technical acumen, establish procedures for maintaining standard work on operations, quality and safety to constantly hit daily/monthly/yearly objectives
• Responsible for 360 operations of the warehouse from inbound, stock management, outbound
• Communicate with customers, local and cross functional team members to ensure customer commitments are met
• Create and report KPI using existing tools on daily operations to clients
• Presenting operational metrics regularly to the senior leadership team
• Analyze, dive deep daily operations data with root causing and put in place short and long term actions closing gaps between performance and goals
• Provide guidance, mentor, develop supervisors and Warehouse personnel
• Make recommendations on programs to improve operations with a high focus on continuous improvement
• Ensure records are maintained appropriately and reports are completed in a timely manner
• Adhere to and enforce all safe work practices, ensuring the warehouse is compliant with Safety and Health Administration and other local pertinent standards/regulations

• Strong leadership acumen, ability to navigate in ambiguity and propose solutions to the Site Leadership by thinking outside the box
• Strong people management skills, ability to lead big teams with clear, precise and concise communication
• 7 years of relevant work experience with 4 years of managerial/supervisory experience
• Strong Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and Outlook) skills and ability to learn new tools rapidly
• Availability to work on a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
• Bachelor's/Master’s degree in Supply chain and Logistics or a related field
• Preferable experience in an AS400, SAP and other WMS/TMS environment
• Lean, Six Sigma and Continuous Process Improvement knowledge and experience
• Experience in warehousing or Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
• Ability to maintain a safe work environment by monitoring and enforcing safety procedures across all departments
• Strong problem-solving techniques and statistical analysis skills
• English Fluency and preferably Italian communications skills is advantageous

Ferrari Group is an equal opportunity employer. Ferrari Group does not discriminate on the basis of race/color/religion/sex/national/origin/veteran/disability/age/sexual orientation/gender identity or any other characteristic protected by law.
Ferrari Group is a market leader in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods, with operations in over 50 countries.
Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs.
If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.

For our branch in Rozenburg, Netherlands, we are hiring aWAREHOUSE MANAGER At Ferrari, we’re constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our comp...

Per la nostra sede di MALPENSA (SOMMA LOMNARDO, VA),  stiamo selezionando una figura di:


La posizione include i seguenti compiti:

  • Gestione, con autonomia crescente, delle attività legate al trasporto merce
  • Supporto gestione richieste clienti

La figura verrà inserita nell’esistente team Crew.

Caratteristiche ricercate:

  • Conoscenza lingue: conoscenza base Inglese
  • Esperienze lavorative: esperienza anche minima nella mansione presso Istituti di Vigilanza e Titoli in corso di Validità come Guardia Giurata
  • Titolo di studio: Diploma
  • Patenti: Patente B, gradita ma non indispensabile C

Siamo alla ricerca di una persona dinamica, disponibile a lavorare su turni con flessibilità oraria, ottima attitudine all’apprendimento e in grado di lavorare in modo collaborativo con il team attualmente in essere. L’ambiente di lavoro è stimolante e vivace.

La selezione è rivolta a candidati dell’uno e dell’altro sesso ai sensi del D. Lgs. 198/2006. Tutte le candidature devono essere accompagnate dalla autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali e saranno gestite ai sensi del D.Lgs 196/03. AT FERRARI GROUP, WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.  Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application. Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time. 

Per la nostra sede di CALDERARA DI RENO (BOLOGNA),  stiamo selezionando una figura di GUARDIA GIURATA ARMATA.

Per la nostra sede di CALDERARA DI RENO (BOLOGNA),  stiamo selezionando una figura di:


La posizione include i seguenti compiti:

  • Gestione, con autonomia crescente, delle attività legate al trasporto merce
  • Supporto gestione richieste clienti

La figura verrà inserita nell’esistente team Crew.

Caratteristiche ricercate:

  • Conoscenza lingue: conoscenza base Inglese
  • Esperienze lavorative: esperienza anche minima nella mansione presso Istituti di Vigilanza e Titoli in corso di Validità come Guardia Giurata
  • Titolo di studio: Diploma
  • Patenti: Patente B, gradita ma non indispensabile C

Siamo alla ricerca di una persona dinamica, disponibile a lavorare su turni con flessibilità oraria, ottima attitudine all’apprendimento e in grado di lavorare in modo collaborativo con il team attualmente in essere. L’ambiente di lavoro è stimolante e vivace.

La selezione è rivolta a candidati dell’uno e dell’altro sesso ai sensi del D. Lgs. 198/2006. Tutte le candidature devono essere accompagnate dalla autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali e saranno gestite ai sensi del D.Lgs 196/03. AT FERRARI GROUP, WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods.  Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application. Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time. 

Per la nostra sede di CALDERARA DI RENO (BOLOGNA),  stiamo selezionando una figura di GUARDIA GIURATA ARMATA.

Posted 6 months ago
FG Logistics LTD, a Ferrari Group company, is recruiting for the position of: AIR IMPORT OPERATION We are looking for a dynamic airfreight import operative to join our team in London Heathrow. They will be in charge of arranging import clearances and deliveries of high value goods based on clients’ instructions. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES:
  • Plan and manage inbound shipments according to customers’ needs
  • Prepare and submit customs documentation, including import declarations, import CITES
  • Communicate with clients and internal teams to provide updates on shipment status and resolve any issues that may arise
  • Support other members of the import team as needed to ensure smooth operations
  • Update shipping files
  • Liaise with airlines / airport handlers in a professional manner in order to meet operational requirements and maintain up-to-date schedule information and shipment status reports
  • Ensure all quality controls procedures are updated and adhered to
  • 2 years previous experience in import freight forwarding / logistics is a must, preferably specialised in the movement of high value goods
  • Knowledge of different types of imports is required (eg: bonded warehouse, IPR, TIB, etc)
  • Possess a positive and professional customer focus and can-do attitude
  • Good organisational skills with the ability to meet deadlines
  • Works well under pressure and is able to multitask in a fast paced setting
  • Knowledge of customs regulations and import procedures required
  • Knowledge of AS400/SAP/MS Office is preferable
  • Knowledge of CDS for customs purposes is required
  • English language required
  • Italian / French language is preferable
  • No criminal convictions – subject to full DBS check
  • Full time, permanent contract
  • Competitive Salary
  • 100% office based
  • 22 Days holiday / calendar year + Bank holidays
AT FERRARI GROUP, WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods. Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application. Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

FG Logistics LTD, a Ferrari Group company, is recruiting for the position of: AIR IMPORT OPERATION

Posted 6 months ago
FG Logistics LTD, a Ferrari Group company, is recruiting for the position of: AIR EXPORT OPERATION We are looking for a dynamic airfreight export operative to join our team in London Heathrow. They will be in charge of arranging export shipments and customs brokerage of high value goods based on our clients’ requirements. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES:
  • Plan and manage air freight shipments according to customer needs
  • Issue MAWB & HAWB 
  • Prepare and submit customs documentation, including export declarations, export licenses and CITES
  • Communicate with clients and internal teams to provide updates on shipment status and resolve any issues that may arise
  • Support other members of the export team as needed to ensure smooth operations
  • Update shipping files 
  • Liaise with airlines in a professional manner in order to meet operational requirements and maintain up-to-date schedule information and shipment status reports
  • Ensure all quality controls procedures are updated and adhered to
  • 2 years previous experience in freight forwarding / logistics is a must, preferably specialised in the movement of high value goods
  • Possess a positive and professional customer focus and can-do attitude
  • Good organisational skills with the ability to meet deadlines
  • Works well under pressure and is able to multitask in a fast paced setting
  • Knowledge of customs regulations and export procedures required
  • Knowledge of AS400/SAP/MS Office is preferable
  • Knowledge of CDS for customs purposes is desirable
  • English language required
  • Italian / French language is preferable
  • No criminal convictions – subject to full DBS check
  • Full time, permanent contract
  • Competitive Salary
  • 100% office based
  • 22 Days holiday / calendar year + Bank holidays
AT FERRARI GROUP, WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods. Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application. Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

FG Logistics LTD, a Ferrari Group company, is recruiting for the position of AIR EXPORT OPERATION

FG Logistics LTD, a Ferrari Group company, is recruiting for the position of: CUSTOMER SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR Based in the central London office, the Customer Service Administrator will be the first point of contact for our high end customers. They will be responsible for building and maintaining the relationship with the clients while offering tailor-made services to meet their shipping needs. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES:
  • Manage customer enquiries and ensure smooth operations
  • Handle incoming calls, emails and other correspondence from clients, addressing their concerns, and providing accurate and professional support
  • Coordinate with other departments and branches to ensure timely delivery of shipments
  • Investigate and resolve customer complaints or issues in a timely and professional manner
  • Assist in maintaining customer satisfaction by conducting follow-ups with clients after their shipments have been delivered
  • Ensure all quality controls procedures are updated and adhered to
  • Go above and beyond to maintain the high standards of our company
  • Previous experience in freight forwarding / logistics is a necessary requirement
  • Excellent communication skills, a positive attitude and a commitment to delivering outstanding service
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Meticulous attention to detail
  • Good understanding of Incoterms®
  • Good organisational skills with the ability to meet tight deadlines
  • Works well under pressure and is able to multitask in a fast paced setting
  • Previous knowledge of AS400 preferable
  • English language required
  • Italian / French language is preferable
  • No criminal convictions – subject to full DBS check
  • Full time, permanent contract
  • Competitive Salary
  • Hybrid option available following the satisfactory probationary period
  • Pension
  • 22 Days holiday / calendar year 
AT FERRARI GROUP, WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods. Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application. Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

FG Logistics LTD, a Ferrari Group company, is recruiting for their office in central London, the new CUSTOMER SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR

Posted 6 months ago

Tramite la nostra azienda specializzata in servizi IT (SW System Srl), siamo alla ricerca di una figura di System Engineer.

Ruolo e Responsabilità

  • Eseguire analisi e valutazioni, coadiuvare il team nel disegno e sviluppo delle infrastrutture
  • Gestire l’upgrade e il mantenimento dei sistemi
  • Governare la relazione con i fornitori nella gestione operativa dei servizi erogati da terze parti
  • Monitorare e ottimizzare le risorse dei sistemi
  • Essere responsabile della risoluzione dei problemi e delle issue che possono sorgere


  • Implementare, gestire e manutenere sistemi server, storage SAN e NAS e soluzioni di virtualizzazione implementate presso data center aziendali o su architetture cloud assicurandone un'elevata disponibilità e livelli di prestazioni adeguate.
  • Gestire e manutenere hypervisor, sistemi operativi Server Linux Enterprise (Rhel like) e Microsoft, gli storage e le infrastrutture SAN e NAS.
  • Condurre attività di troubleshooting di II livello e risoluzione dei problemi sia hardware che software sui componenti di infrastruttura.
  • Manutenere la sicurezza dei sistemi, gestire le piattaforme a protezione di endpoint e server, gestire le soluzioni software che compongono l'infrastruttura, applicare patch e aggiornamenti dei sistemi in gestione.
  • Gestire e configurare servizi infrastrutturali quali Active Directory, DHCP, DNS, Web Server, Reverse Proxy, Load Balancer,sistemi di file transfer, Database, Syslog Server.
  • Eseguire il monitoraggio quotidiano dei sistemi, verificare l'integrità e la disponibilità dell'installato, delle risorse server e dei i sistemi e processi a supporto.
  • Gestire l’infrastruttura di backup, sviluppare procedure, programmi e documentazione per il ripristino dei sistemi e delle componenti di infrastruttura.
  • Eseguire report periodici sulle prestazioni per supportare il capacity planning ed effettuare il performance tuning sulle componenti di infrastruttura e l'ottimizzazione delle risorse secondo necessità.


  • Competenze tecniche su amministrazione di sistemi operativi server Linux e Windows
  • Competenze sulla gestione di infrastrutture di rete basate su soluzioni cloud and on premise.
  • Conoscenza strumenti di monitoring e di analisi delle prestazioni del sistema.
  • Conoscenza linguaggi di scripting sia in ambito Linux che in ambito Windows.
  • Capacità di pianificare, organizzare e documentare attività di progettazione di sistemi
  • IT complessi e implementare sistemi coerenti con le politiche e le procedure aziendali.
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (parlata e scritta)
  • Spiccata capacità nell’analisi e nel problem solving
  • Eccellenti doti di comunicazione e collaborazione con i membri del team

Nice to have

  • Conoscenza delle piattaforme Cloud, in particolare ambiente AWS
  • Conoscenza di prodotti di monitoring, in particolare Zabbix e Datadog
  • Conoscenza su Cybersecurity


Ferrari Group the one-stop service provider in international freight forwarding and logistics solutions for jewelry and luxury goods. Ferrari Group firmly believes that the key to winning the hearts of clients lies in “adding value”: the company places a very strong emphasis on high service quality, flexibility, timeliness, responsiveness and accurate solutions to customers’ needs. If you have the top skills we require and are interested in discovering why Ferrari Group really stands out from the rest, we look forward to receiving your application.

Ferrari is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by laws. Ferrari makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.

Tramite la nostra azienda specializzata in servizi IT (SW System Srl), siamo alla ricerca di una figura di System Engineer. Ruolo e Responsabilità Eseguire analisi e valutazioni, coadiuvare il team n...